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PM Support

PM Support

(PM Support is an Internal Spa Treatment that provides you with toxin and parasite removal, helps you relax while cleansing the cells, and addressing systems in the lower body. It includes some high-powered plants like Chaparral, Cascara and Yellowdock.

PM Support is the best way to end your night, giving your body the opportunity to reset as you rest, and helping you to feel relaxed as it prepares you for the next day. It provides you with a high quantity of herbs, while skipping the taste, so it is a great electric aid in the Alkaline Mama Detox Kit.

  • Chaparral is a traditional herbal medicine used to treat several illnesses including digestive problems, kidney stones, gallbladder, diabetes, and cold, amongst others.The Cascara can be used as a laxative for constipation. It can also be used to treat liver ailments, cancer and gallstones.The Yellow dock is used to treat bacterial infections, intestinal infections, fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases and sometimes arthritis. Yellow dock has been proved to treat inflammations of the respiratory tract.

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