6 Pack Alkaline Roots
Many people consider the Alkaline Roots as an Alkaline Wine, Beer or Alcohol. It’s a great replacement, as it gives you the same buzz, while helping to cleanse your body with Alkaline electric herbs unlike other drinks. Made from over 20 pure natural plants like Nettle, Elderberry and Agave, Alkaline Root is one of the most high-powered ways to Turn Up and enjoy your Internal Spa Treatments.
Nettle is a popular nutritious plant used for the treatment of hay fever, beautifying the skin hair and nails, and reducing inflammation. Studies show that is has the potential to treat diabetes. It has also been used to treat painful joints and muscles.
Elderberries are known to contain antioxidants and minerals that can help to boost your immune systems. It can help to reduce stress, protect your heart, and can fight cold and flu symptoms.
The Agave plant can be used to treat stomach upsets, ulcers, and other bacteria.
Alkaline Roots is and Herbal Lituation that was designed to make your body feel electrified good and happy. Rather you want to Turn Up and dance or Turn Up and vibe out on the couch, you must experience the Internal Spa cleansing power of the Alkaline Roots today!