The Sea Moss can help in controlling blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Bladderwrack contains dietary fiber which can treat constipation, maintain regular bowel movement, and provide relief to diarrhea.
Burdock can be used to destroy germs, increase urine flow, treat fever, and can also be used to purify the blood.
Chaparral is a traditional herbal medicine used to treat several illnesses including digestive problems, kidney stones, gallbladder, diabetes, and cold, amongst others.
The Cascara can be used as a laxative for constipation. It can also be used to treat liver ailments, cancer and gallstones.
The Yellow dock is used to treat bacterial infections, intestinal infections, fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases and sometimes arthritis. Yellow dock has been proved to treat inflammations of the respiratory tract.
The Nettle is a popular nutritious plant used for the treatment of hay fever, and to reduce inflammation. Studies show that it has the potential to treat diabetes. It has also been used to treat painful joints and muscles.
Elderberry are known to contain antioxidants and minerals that help boost your immune system. When used as tea, it helps to reduce stress, protect your heart, and can fight cold and flu symptoms.
Nettle is a popular nutritious plant used for the treatment of hay fever, beautifying the skin hair and nails, and reducing inflammation. Studies show that is has the potential to treat diabetes. It has also been used to treat painful joints and muscles.
Elderberries are known to contain antioxidants and minerals that can help to boost your immune systems. It can help to reduce stress, protect your heart, and can fight cold and flu symptoms.
The Agave plant can be used to treat stomach upsets, ulcers, and other bacteria.